Black Tulips
Queen dark that it's almost black.

During the long Easter weekend, we decided to make a trip to a local local farm, La Ferme de Viltain, just 10km away from us.

La ferme de Viltain, a family farm specialises in diary cattle farming. Diary products such as white cheese (fromage blanc and faisselle) and yogurt are produced from the on-site morning milking. The farm also grows vegetables, fruits and flowers. The types of products available, of course, varies with the season. The farm is open to the public for picking. There is also a store where regional food products sourced directly from the small-scale producers are sold.

We got there at 10am on a Saturday morning. It was an exceptional weather for April – clear blue sky, with temperature around the late teens. At the picking fields, we could already see about 20 people – groups of 3 or 4 people, mainly parents with their kids, scattered around the patches of farming. It was a cute scene with parents pushing the wheelbarrows, sometimes with the pickings in them, sometimes with a little kid!

The signage indicated that the seasonal vegetables were beetroots, spinach, lettuce, rocket, mint, potatoes, onions and shallots. Since we were going to be on vacation the following week, we did not pick any vegetables. However, I promised myself that I would get some of the fresh, crisp-looking lettuce and rocket the next time I visit the farm.

Greenhouse: Rows of Lettuce
Greenhouse: Rows of Lettuce
Greenhouse: Rocket
Greenhouse: Rocket

Tulips, Tulips, Tulips

Red Tulips
I do not know the name of this tulip. If I were to name it, it would be Red Obsession.

The highlight of the day was to discover that the tulips were in season! I love flowers, the more colourful the better! Rows and rows of these big-petaled flowers with their vibrant coats, standing upright, facing audaciously towards the sky. These flowers were graced with majestic names such as The American Dream, The Queen of Night, Carnaval du Rio, and Esperanto.

White Tulip
This white one attracted my attention with its flurry edges on the petals.
Duo-coloured tulips
Duo-coloured tulips: yellow and orange

We would definitely be back again, soon, and frequently for the fresh, local produce. Especially, after we saw that on their picking calendar more flowers (roses, sunflowers, lilies etc), fruits ( (apples, strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, gooseberries etc) and vegetables (pumpkins, carrots, aubergines, green beans, tomatoes etc) would be available in the following months until November!

By Juste Claudia

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Claudia. That was the extent of my linguistic skills when I first came to France in 2016 from Singapore. My French is much better now (it has to after 8 years!) but I am still waiting for the day when I can dream in the language and not mix up the genders of inanimate objects. This blog is about my life in France: food & drinks, different regions, gardening, my work as as an English teacher, French bureaucracy, different French regions. I have recently moved from the Parisian suburbs to Grenoble, the flattest city in France but surrounded by mountains. I hope to share more about my adventures in Grenoble with you.

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